--2016 deploy instructions (service and www) -- ffd www deploy instruction on a new server --enable classic asp on iis (for the ffd app -- the service doesnt' require this) - control panel - programs and features - internet services - www -- enable asp and others --update files --www --/_private/datastore.asp connection string to db --/xmlfiles/news.xml (prod contains latest) -- note, you probably want to archive some of the info here as it slows dwnthe page load --service and wwww --search for xslt/htm/asp files that contain last year in the googlized year, change last year to present year, e.g., 2015->2016 -- compile the site -- if you get the following error (on ffd www site) then you need to comment out web.config clientSideSoapExtension section and uncomment after compile --Could not load file or assembly 'App_Code' or one of its dependencies. -- The system cannot find the file specified. (C:\Users\McDonaldTh\Source\Repos\ffd1\web.config line 43) -- App_WebReferences/com/fantasyfootballdraft/webservice/register/ -- --ensure teh C:\inetpub\key2015.key is placed in the directory if you don't have teh key you need to generate one as below -- once you place the key you will probably get an error like "Key not valid for use in specified state" -- install microsoft patterns and practices enterprise library 4.1 (october 2008) (downloadable) -- open the enterprise library configuration -- open the web.config -- under cryptography application block->hash providers --open the sha1managed -- confirm that it is using sha1mangaged and salt = true --unser symemetric providers --open RijndaelManaged -- click 'hidden' elipsis and the cryptographic it will tell you the key is in an invalid state -- key will need to be regenerated for this machine. and placed (named) c:\inetpub\key2015.key --the was created key is listed on asus-daddy-key and can be exported and imported --optionally you can create new using the hex below --as below but I haven't tested if you can use this on other machines --A6DF18CF13705EE9A284FCB4CFB474C68BD217501996C17F525D9EF1545FB283 -- save the 'application' and exit ent lib --ffd -set debug=false -publish precompiled web -zip it and publish it to server --update the db conx string in web.config and /_private/datastore.asp --ffdservice -set debug=false - publish it to server -- zip and publish to server (dont' forget to update teh db conx strings)